1 March 2023

This is a remarkable background video of the filming of Alex Honnold's incredible free solo climb of El Capitan.

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Brilliant move by Florida to "immediately cancel the filings of a political party, to include its registration and approved status as a political party, if the party’s platform has previously advocated for, or been in support of, slavery or involuntary servitude."  That immediately disenfranchises the Democrat Party, which was the party of the KKK and slavery (and Japanese internment).

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Living in Hawaii is getting to be untenable for a lot of people.  Auwe!

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Well this isn't good: the head of the Wagner group is preparing for "the upcoming WW III".  Is anyone prepping yet?

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Democrats always want the rich to "pay their fair share".  But when it comes to getting a kicker refund, Democrats want everybody to get the same.  How is that fair?

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Yes, the governor needs to repeal the SARS-CoV2 "vaccine" mandate, not only for children, but also for healthcare providers.  It no longer makes sense as it does not protect against getting the coronavirus infection (and actually may increase your chances of getting the newer variants), but it likely puts people at risk of myocarditis and sudden death.

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Oregon lawmakers want to raise their salaries.  I never liked the idea of having career politicians.  I would rather people did their service and go back to their former jobs when their service is done.  This is probably why our founding fathers never built in term limits into the Constitution.  They probably never figured some people would turn it into a life-long job.  There is so much potential for conflict of interest and using the office for self-enrichment, as we've seen.

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Seen on Twitter.  I suspect LA Times is struggling with the answer themselves.
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College academics isn't what it used to be, especially in the remote learning era, where cheating is rampant, and not cheating puts you at a disadvantage.  It's OK if that's how they want to learn, but don't expect me to pay off their student loans.  And the climate of fear, intimidation and censorship on campus is very high.  Who wants to risk a career working with students these days?  Except maybe, groomers.

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An increasing number of young people are getting colon cancer, and researchers don't know why.  Or maybe they suspect why and aren't telling us.  And some report that COVID vax boosters can promote metastatic spread.  Right now, this is mostly anecdotal, but some of these associations that people scoffed at earlier (such as myocarditis, thrombosis, and increased predilection to getting breakthrough cases) were later found to be true.

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But 5-year old children today will likely live to be 100.  That has profound consequences on what society will look like in the future.  And it depends on whether the elderly will be healthier and have a more meaningful life in their later years.  They will have to accumulate more wealth because their money will need to last even longer.  Since the birth rate is declining, we can't expect the working members of society to fork over their cash to support the aged.  There won't be enough of them.