Seattle School District has a $94 million deficit to close, and they are begging for more state money. Trouble is that the State will have a hole, too, with less federal money coming their way. Everyone is ultimately dependent on federal taxpayer dollars, and now that the grift has been discovered, and waste and fraud will no longer be financed, Blue states will suffer. But sure, go ahead and "resist". See how far that gets you.
Same with Oregon:
I knew this would happen. The NIH cutting back on funding "indirect costs" will hurt universities, who have long relief on this money to fill budgetary holes. OHSU says that it will be "devastating". The commenters don't seem to realize that not having to pay as much for these indirect costs will allow funding for more researchers instead. This will be great for those doing research, as they're more likely to get grant money. OHSU will just have to get more money from the state. And the state will have to stop wasting money on the homeless industrial complex, teachers unions, and funding illegals. Start being more responsible with taxpayer money. Isn't that what it's all about?
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Oregon state provides paycheck loan service to workers. 45% of Oregonians live paycheck to paycheck. So this is Oregon's solution to help people out. Providing access to predatory loans.
AI sentiment analysis shows that movie dialog has gotten more violent over the years. Well yeah. With Hollywood, it's been a race to the bottom to be "edgy". The emotions that movies try to evoke no longer fill you with longing, yearning, or amazement. Movies aim to expose you to the disgusting, the vile, and the mentally ill. Violence comes with the territory.
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