Cool. Findings from the Hubble and JWST suggest how and when light first appeared in the universe.
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Oregon students will have to pass a financial literacy class to graduate. Are Democrats sure they want to do this? It might convert some of them to conservativism.
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When push comes to shove. Nike slashed its sustainability workforce after a pledge to reduce its carbon footprint. No money for that nonsense.
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Medicare wants to cut doctors' pay again. And doctors complain about it. Rinse, repeat. But hey, doctor burnout is decreasing. Wait till they find out their pay is getting cut.
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Well that's good. At least one drug no longer has a shortage problem – cisplatin. Now for the others.
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Problems beget problems. So now the homeless are getting revenge at being swept away. They're committing arson on property to vent their spleen. So now what, Ted Wheeler?
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Kids who get smartphones earlier are more likely to develop mental health problems. Yeah, they are given the means to leave permanent marks on their screw-ups for all to see. Even adults make mistakes.
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Arrow's Impossibiity Theorem. This explains why messing with simple elections with multiple rounds of voting just leads to more complications.
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Python has too many package managers. Boy, I'll say. Too many times have I had to rip out my Python installations and start from scratch. Too many libraries have dependencies that clash with others when they get updated. I am so afraid to update things. Something else might stop working when something gets deprecated. Package managers and even virtual environments won't stop that from happening.
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Oncologists are struggling to deal with millennials dying of cancer. But the article doesn't address the elephant in the room.
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