What's going on in Britain? What's with this "massive increase in long-term sickness"? Why is there "an increasingly sick workforce, where workers across the age spectrum
are being prematurely retired because they are too sick to work"? I think I know, and I suspect it's true in the U.S. as well.
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China wants to rid itself of Western tech by 2027. I don't think they'll actually be able to do it. But it will mean a more dedicate effort to steal and copy American technology.
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The progressives don't want to even have a discussion about woke gender ideology. The reason is that they're scared they will be debunked, and their nonsense ideology will be exposed for what it is. So they seek to cancel and stifle all discussion.
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A.I.-designed proteins are a pharma dream. But some people see how it can be weaponized. This is one of those situations where many people can't perceive the threat because they aren't smart enough or imaginative enough. But there are those who are both, and that's where the danger lies. You could have a different kind of weapon that never existed before, that could kill people in weird ways. Ways for which forensic evidence probably doesn't exist at this time.
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Super-strict schools are on the rise in England. Some folks probably said enough is enough with student activists who leave school with little knowledge and skills, who will not serve to advance humanity, but will only complain and bring society down. We need schools where students actually learn stuff. Of course, it's not for everyone (as it should be) and some get too stressed out.
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Modern Japanese men are so messed up now. The "lost decade" really screwed them over. So many have become otaku and hikkikomori now. And the women are taking over the workforce. What a sad state of affairs.
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The Mental State of the World in 2023. It's not good.
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- Mental well-being remained at its post-pandemic low with yet again no sign of movement towards pre-pandemic levels. In 2023, at both a global level and at the level of individual countries, MHQ scores remained largely unchanged relative to 2021 and 2022, after a sharp drop during the pandemic years. This raises important questions about the lasting impact of the pandemic, and how shifts in the way we live and work and the amplification of existing habits (e.g. remote working, online communication, consumption of ultra-processed food, use of single- use plastics) have cumulatively pushed us into a space of poorer mental well-being.
- Younger generations, particularly those under age 35, saw the steepest declines in mental well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic while those over 65 stayed steady. With these declines persisting across all age groups, the pandemic amplified a pre-existing trend of poorer mental well-being for younger generations that is now visible across the globe.
- As in previous years, several African and Latin American countries topped the country rankings, while wealthier countries of the Core Anglosphere such as the United Kingdom and Australia are towards the bottom. This pattern suggests that greater wealth and economic development do not necessarily lead to greater mental well-being. In 2023, data from the Global Mind Project identified key factors that explain these patterns, such as getting a smartphone at a young age, frequently eating ultra-processed food and a fraying of friendships and family relationships, that are typically more prevalent in Internet-enabled populations of wealthier countries.
Interesting Veritasium video on the Prisoner's Dilemma. And here's Biden realizing that this means his policy doesn't make sense, Because a cease-fire means Hamas will survive and recover its strength, setting israel up for another terrorist attack in the future.
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Staff at Alan Turing Institute speak out after four men given top roles. I bet they wouldn't complain if four women got the roles. Just insane.
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The Oregon Shakespeare Festival is on the rise again. Their new leader is undoing the damage of the last leader, who was getting OSF in all kinds of antiracism nonsense, which had little to do with enjoying the Bard. Hopefully, Ashland will rise from the ashes.
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The Oregon Shakespeare Festival is on the rise again. Their new leader is undoing the damage of the last leader, who was getting OSF in all kinds of antiracism nonsense, which had little to do with enjoying the Bard. Hopefully, Ashland will rise from the ashes.