The financial world is roiling today. Lots of opinions as to what's happening and what may happen. Here's a quick and easy to understand summary of how it started. Interesting that some say this is not a bailout, because it really is. Both uninsured as well as insured accounts will be made whole. New rules, huh? Since Silicon Valley is heavily Democrat and they essentially prop up California, it's not surprising that rules are being bent for them. Biden tries to reassure the nation that everything's OK, and we know everything he says is true, right? Probably the one thing we know for sure is that the Fed will not hike rates nearly as aggressively as they forecast a few months ago. And high inflation will likely be with us for a long time. At least until we go into a deflationary spiral leading to a depression. Oil prices are already declining, and might decline further since the Alaskan Willow project was approved. People are fleeing to Treasuries - it's still not too late to get good 1 month rates, even thought it's off the high.
Maybe Oregonians will get the right to pump their own gas.
Incivility and vulgar profanity is the tactic of activism today.