Google's search market share drops below 90% for the first time. This is the start of the fall.
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A new gene editor, ARCUS, was used to cure a boy with ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency. ARCUS is different from CRISPR and uses a different endonuclease enzyme along with homologous recombination.
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Scott Alexander discusses global variations in IQ. This paragraph is notable:
Scott still carries a grudge against the NYT for doxxing him, but he's right – lower IQ people can seem like normal people. But when you have a society full of people like that, it's apparent that they can't accomplish much. One big clue is Singapore – a blue dot in the map surrounded by lime-green and yellow. Genetically, I would bet the Singapore is very similar to surrounding countries, and although it is richer, I wouldn't expect the nutritional status to be substantially different. What makes Singaporeans so bright? I suspect it's the education and training that the kids receive. So that is evidence to support environmental factors. And also Hispaniola, where half is Haiti and the other half is Dominican Republic, both largely Blacks, but the IQ difference is substantial. Why is that?A normal person with 60 IQ will seem . . . normal. If you try to engage in difficult conversation, they won’t be able to follow, but most of them can do simple low-IQ jobs like manual labor, basic retail, or writing for the New York Times. A country centered around people at this level may not win any space races, but it can certainly continue to exist.
Look at all the damage cause by RIchard Nixon dissolving the Bretton Woods agreement in 1971. The Nixon Shock took us off the gold standard and made the US dollar fiat currency. That was the start of when middle class Americans were screwed.
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What Trump 2.0 means for science. Space exploration, artificial intelligence, quantum science will thrive. But not climate science. The NIH will be overhauled, and that's a good thing.
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New Portland police data shows steep drop in reported shootings in 2024. Duh, that's because people aren't reporting these crimes to the police anymore. The key word is "reported".
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OHSU is now led by an interim CEO of OHSU Health, along with the interim President, and not long after the resignation of the leader of the Knight Cancer Institute.
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