2 April 2024

Plants really do scream – we just can't hear it. And I'm glad about that.

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You thought GPT-4 aced the bar exam? Think again.

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This is what happens when you don't fully understand the tech you are using. Google to delete search data of millions who used 'incognito' mode. You are not incognito in incognito mode. It just doesn't save traces of your search and online activities on your own computer. You were never invisible to Google.

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Google Street View can tell, from how your house looks on the street, what the risk of cardiovascular disease is. This is like radiomics. A bit far-fetched, but I can see how an A.I. model can be trained to detect this. But I bet it won't generalize.

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More like the Fab Two. The number of rising tech stocks has dropped, and the term "Magnificent Seven" no longer holds.

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If it's Boeing, I'm not going. Yet another Boeing mishap. What next?

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Only in JapanEveryone will be named Sato by 2531.

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