Taxes are too damn high! Portland Kettle Works is eyeing moving across the river to Washington because of high taxes. The city can't keep raising taxes due to the shrinking tax base, or more companies will leave.
Oregon COVID-19 hospitalizations drop below 200. Love the way Dean Sidelinger keep the fear alive for the "Arcturus" variant. COVID-19 is still a "leading cause of death"? Well so are deaths from homicide and drug overdoses, but I don't see Oregon doing anything effective to stop that.
Washington (and soon Oregon) thinks it's fine to take children away from parents who object to genital mutilation surgery. But when Florida passed a law allowing children to be taken away from parents who want their children to undergo genital mutilation surgery, suddenly it's "fascist".
Elon Musk was dead on! The battery manufacturer CATL announces a breakthrough which promises to deliver lithium ion batteries with double the energy density of current batteries, and manufacturing of automotive-grade batteries will start this year. CATL also thinks it can build electric airplanes.
If you asked me where college students turn to write their essays, I would not have guessed Kenya. Some people say that A.I. will steal those jobs away from Kenyans, but perhaps not....