Now that people have had a chance to play around with chat, an amazing three-quarters don't like it. These include "These products included navigation apps, personal virtual assistants,
weather forecasting apps, streaming services, shopping websites and
social media platforms.". The issues were privacy and unauthorized use of personal likenesses, impact on jobs, and impact on social interaction.
In other areas, AI-assisted coding is going to get better. Already, many companies are using AI-generated code. Sure beats looking up articles on StackExchange, StackOverflow or Reddit for help. You still need to know what you're doing, though. AI won't help if you are coding blind, as it will give you a solution, but not necessarily what you were looking for.
And some models confabulate more than others. Confabulate is more accurate in describing what AI does. It doesn't sense things that aren't there. It just makes things up, and is still confident about what it says. This is like Korsakoff syndrome.
This is future of education – AI-assisted tutoring. Khan Academy has already helped many people, and the concept of Internet-assisted education is already established. But using a chat-based interface can really supplement teaching, especially as public education is becoming more political, and a forum where teachers can introduce their own politics or sexuality instead of teaching necessary knowledge and skills. This is why more techies are looking into homeschooling for their kids.
Yikes. Sleeping pills, like zolpidem (Ambien), can help you sleep, but they inhibit the brain's toxin removal (glymphatic) system. Long term use of zolpidem increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
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The physics (or chemistry) of ice cream.
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There needs to be a name for this phenomenon. This is when you have some great insight or realization, but forget to write it down, and then forget about it entirely. Or if you do remember it later, it seems less than exciting, maybe even mundane. Why is that? I experience this with music, when I hear a melody in my mind, but later I can't recall it, even though it was very catchy or moving at the time. And even if I remember it, it doesn't do anything for me later.
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Seattle Symphony is getting rid of its Indian CEO, its Chinese CFO/COO, and its Black Chief DEI officer. But they still have a female, "woman of color" music director, which Thiagarajan installed last year. From the comments, it seems that the music program has been "meh", with "second-rate musicians". I don't go into downtown Seattle so I don't know. Same with downtown Portland. These two cities struggle to have nice things. Too many gronks.
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