Same principle. The Chinese spider, Araneus ventricosus, uses captured fireflies and makes them emit light patterns that suggest interested females, to lure other male fireflies to come to them and get trapped in the spider web. I immediately thought that this was very much like how dating apps display images of interested females, and unwitting males come visiting and then get trapped in some company's spider web. I guess the same tactics work, no matter how far up the food chain you are.
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See, climate change is not an urgent issue. Starbuck's new CEO will commute on his private plane, from Newport Beach, California to Seattle, Washington at least 3 times a week and more if necessary. Lowering one's carbon footprint is just for the peasants, don't you know?
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The future of retail. Soon, you will have to get membership to go shopping. Because the current model isn't working. Too many undesirables are shoplifting. That's just how things have become.
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A Ninja's Handbook. One person's suggestions on how to stay safe online in this modern world.
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The original weight loss drug, semaglutide (Ozempic), is associated with suicidal ideation. Liraglutide (Victoza or Saxenda), too, but not as bad. The odds ratio is 1.45 for semaglutide and 1.04 for liraglutide, which means that you're 45% and 4%, respectively, more likely to have suicidal thoughts with the drug than not taking the drug. That's bad.
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Here's a study that looked at the effects of getting COVID-19 on developing mental illness, and the conclusion was "These findings suggest that vaccination may mitigate the adverse effects of COVID-19 on mental health." Oh really? Let's take a look at the study, which is published here. The authors state that the time period where they obtained their data was from January 2020 to December 2021 – during the height of COVID hysteria. Well, guess what – if you were unvaccinated, the government was hell-bent on denying you a life. This had nothing to do with any protective benefit from the vaccine. Geez....
The politics of depression. What's going on with liberal women? I'll take conservative women any day.
What happened at MIT since the Supreme Court abolish affirmative action? Good news for Asians.