22 January 2025

Google is now requiring Javascript be enabled with searches. And this made privacy-protecting Whoogle stop working.

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Apparently those wealthy LA residents owned a lot of Teslas, and those burning Tesla vehicles have produced toxic byproducts that must be removed by specialized procedures. Probably a lot of carbon, too.  So much for green.

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Portland in the news.  #2 city with the highest property crime.
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Remember that tax to support the homeless that was only supposed to be until 2030. They want to extend it to 2050. And they don't want to put it on the ballot, because people might vote against it. And what happens if it doesn't pass?
“Catastrophe. That’s the word,” said Goldberg when asked what would happen if the tax expired in 2030 as currently scheduled.
The grift never ends.

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9th Circuit Court upholds Oregon law that says you can't surreptitiously record someone. I like what James O'Keefe has been able to uncover, but I'm not sure I trust too many people to record my conversation.

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Who owns your genetic data? You do, but that doesn't mean companieas will respect the law.

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