23 October 2023

Here we go. US Travel To Europe Will Require Prior Approval, Biometric Scanning. It's always the same sequence. You have something nice that people enjoy. Then you let in scuzz who have no intention of respecting the original culture. Then you have destruction and crime, which requires heavy-handed law enforcement and surveillance. Then you have a dystopian society. Because not all of the world can have nice things. Now, it's an increasingly smaller segment of the world that can enjoy peace and civility.

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Peter Schiff is having his moment again, as the world economy is crumbling. Subprime loans are being explored again. Business are failing. People can't afford things. Car payment delinquencies are at record highs. Government is spending money foolishly. Oil reserves are low.

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Beautiful.  A Dutch artist imagines what Tenochtitlan probably looked like in the distant past. Very impressive.

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A clear and simple visualization that π is irrational.