25 May 2023

Fantastic!  A paralyzed man walks again.  This reminds me of that 2000 Superbowl ad.

It would have been great if this came true for Christopher. Alas.

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Oregon's specialty is being the first state to legalize powerful psychoactive agents.  As if we didn't have enough messed-up brains already.  Well now the psilocybin program isn't financially feasible, and once again, the taxpayer will be required to fix the mess. 
Update (27 May 2023): Problems with legalizing mushrooms.

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Figures.  Central Oregon homelessness director resigns.  Claims she was "inhibited from creating solutions by a lack of consensus among elected leaders."  And the beat goes on.

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Hold fast, Republicans.  Don't give in.  Your actions are all that's saving us from utter insanity.

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You know, this won't matter.  Oregon House passed a bill increasing penalties for retail theft.  It doesn't matter.  The thieves won't get arrested, and even if they are, they'll get released, and won't get prosecuted.  It's like gun laws - you can add more laws to the books, but it really doesn't matter to the criminals, does it?

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