26 February 2023

Another example of something starting out as being good, but turning into something awful when it becomes accessible to everyone. Many things, in order to stay true to their original level of excellence, need to stay out of reach of the public.  Someone inevitable will ruin it for others.

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So the majority would be uncomfortable if their healthcare provider used AI.  This is because of what they've seen with ChatGPI.  Well AI is not just chat, and it is already in medicine, whether one realizes it or not. 

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The title of this article caught my eye:  Fixing U.S. public health will require a health-systems revolution — and for physicians to take a backseat.  Why should physicians take a backseat on something that affects their livelihood, and demands their participation?  The article focuses on the coronavirus response, and how the physicians selected to administer the program really botched it.  But this shouldn't be an indictment of ALL physicians.  Some tried to be vocal about it, and were suppressed or punished for their opinions.  We can't completely relegate policy decisions to politicians or businessmen, or even just political anthropologists, as the author claims to be.  Although he advocates for the public to be involved, there are dangers to letting the public directly make decisions.  This is why our government is a republic, and not a democracy. 

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Yikes, Washington state is turning into East Germany.  They're thinking of starting a "tattletale hotline", where you can rat on your neighbor for "hate crimes" or "bias incidents" and they'll pay you $2000 for an indictment.  What is society becoming??  Hard no on this.

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What happened in East Palestine, OH is not an isolated incident.  Chemical accidents are becoming more commonplace.  (Why do we have to learn this from foreign media?)
From 2004 to 2013, there were about 160 accidents/year.
From 2014 to 2020, there were about 120 accidents/year.
Since Biden took over there were 177 in 2021 and 188 in 2022.
So far in 2023, there have been 30 accidents in 7 weeks - so we're looking at 222 accidents for the year if this keeps up.

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Wow, it's not just me.  A lot of people think of themselves as being much younger than they actually are.  It's like Dunning-Kruger for age!
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How would the United States fight a nuclear war?

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The city of Ontario, OR is having to deal with a growing collection of abandoned RVs that no hauling/dump service wants to take away, because of fentanyl contamination.  Some of the older ones even require asbestos containment precautions.  How long before such concerns reach the big cities, like Portland?  Or has it already begun?

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