A surgeon sounds the alarm about his profession. DEI is to blame. I've always thought that diversity is fine, but it needs to implemented early, in the formative years during childhood. Once you're an adult, it's mission-critical time, and there is no room for anything but merit. Prioritizing diversity gives rise to stuff like this.
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Caffeine can make you cognitively more enhanced, but only if you have the right genetics. You have to be a fast metabolizer of caffeine, otherwise you don't get the full benefit.
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Well, well. It turns out that the major driver of major global climate is orbital perturbances. Not cow farts or gas stoves or leaf blowers. I knew it!
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Mozilla blew it. A lot of folks are commenting about their altered terms of service, and Mozilla hasn't done a good job in reassuring people of their intentions. A lot of folks, myself included, have or will switch to something else. I went with LibreWolf.
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Gary Marcus is not impressed with GPT-4.5. He thinks it's no better than Claude 3.5 Sonnet. Maybe it's because OpenAI is completely out of GPUs to train.
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Less tax base. More welfare needed. Oregon is bracing for a slew of unemployed federal workers. This is the last thing Oregon needs. We are seeing what happens when you have a society that has been so dependent of government money to stay above water. This is why things didn't seem so bad under Obama, Biden and during the Great Recession. Oregon has done squat to help business, and so has nothing to fall back on. It's painful to watch, but Argentina had to do it as well, and now they are better off for it. Once the Keystone Pipeline is operational and we're done trimming the major fat, things will improve. But dumping the low-contributing members of society back into the workforce is going to be rough, even though necessary.
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Dem solutions to Dem problems. Oregon wants to continue taxing hospitals hard, and they'll take it, like good Dems. All so that Oregon can continue to support illegal aliens and homeless folks.
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Portland mayor is starting to realize that he won't fix homelessness after all. Not after giving money to all those homeless agencies, and have nothing to show for it. Who will tell him?
Dem solutions to Dem problems. Washington state wants to dump rainy day funds into the general fund. They'll use that up, too. Then what?
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