28 October 2023

Cool. Scientists say they have successfully simulated a method of backward time travel that allowed them to change an event after the fact one out of four times. Amazing, if really true. Oh, it's just a simulation. Sigh.

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Watch what doctors name you click on. Google is making note and keeping track. Yup, a judge made it legal.

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Sugar on the butthole?  You mean there's a medical reason to do this?  Who knew?

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Well, they're only human after allOncologists more likely to provide low-value care after receiving pharma money, study finds. It's probably not the pharma money, but in the teaching and encouragement that a treatment is not of low value, but actually does some good. Doctors are not likely to get the sales job without a dinner or something else. It might be just the same if they attended a lecture where an authority figure recommended a treatment. But wait!  The study looked at the prescribing of denosumab for prostate cancer, which they considered low value, and compares this to giving Abraxane, which is for a different condition and indication. And the amount of money we're taking here is about $63, so about the cost of a dinner and wine, and not like bribery or illegal activity.  This is a nothing study, after all.

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What will it take to end health care worker burnout?  Well, it's not meditation sessions or taking a day off.  No, it's not burnout prevention training, digital mental health apps, counseling session or peer group support programs.  Sheesh, what idiots come up with solutions like this?  Fix that damned system!  Hire more staff and decrease stress points in the workflow.  That's what's going to decrease burnout.  Don't treat physicians and nurses like plug-and-play employees.  I know one physician who was sick of having to wrangle with lazy support staff who didn't want to help him with insurance issues.  Managers were more interested in making sure everyone adhered to policy than making sure physicians and nurses were doing their job efficiently.

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This is how you know the economy is hurting – when the remittances go down. Wow.
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Lead in Portland’s drinking water called ‘worse than Flint’.  And this is not something that's new. It's been around for some time.

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