Hmmm. Korean scientists develop a material that can absorb 99% of ambient electromagnetic waves. It would be useful for shielding to allow for less bulky Faraday cages.
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I remember one of my teachers telling me that static electricity wouldn't ever be used as a power source. Guess that person was wrong. Now static electricity apparently can be used to power air conditioners.
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Nobody wants to move to Oregon. The latest figures show that Oregon now ranks 45th in the nation ranked by in-migration. Plummeted, as they say.
What's interesting is that the number of households making >$200,000 has increased. Bet they're teachers and government officials.
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Wow, this is great.
Lefties self-silencing and supporting the Second Amendment. As if we needed another reason...
And Silicon Valley seems to be turning away from the deranged Left. Look at this, from Financial Times, usually a left-learning publication: