Is being 70 the new 60? Is science making inroads into aging biology?
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These are incremental improvements, and would probably not be obvious to a casual observer. Even if presented with an individual from decades ago, the inter-individual variability would be such that it would be hard to discern improvement. I'd bet Ray Kurzweil wishes things would be speed up.a 68-year-old born in 1950 had a similar capacity to a 62-year-old born a decade earlier, and those born in 1940 had better functioning than those born in 1930 or 1920. Beard noted, “If we had compared someone born in 1950 with someone born in 1920, we would have likely observed even greater improvements.”
There is some evidence for the (former) existence of a solar twin. Double stars are common in the sky, this wouldn't surprise me.
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By implementing agentic frameworks on computers and phones, AI companies begin the process of harvesting people's digital life data to train their models. This is like having microphones on to record conversations. Not good.
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I don't think the elevator system in this Portland apartment building is going to be fixed anytime soon. It's not just Portland, apparently, but nationwide.
The workforce of technicians who know how to fix them is aging.
And buildings with elevators in need of repair often need to wait ages for replacement parts due to arcane supply-chain issues
Yup, all the usual fallout of the Biden administration. The nation goes to hell. But at least today is January 6!
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Oregon Health Authority is "preparing" from a Trump administration. What they will realize is that without federal subsidies, we are actually quite a poor state. Many people need subsidies of some kind to survive. Instead of growing the economy, the government is looking for ways to shift money around. But this period of pain will actually be good for Oregon, as subsidy-dependent people move away from the state. But until then, expect pain. Not a good time to own a hospital in Oregon.
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