7 June 2023

Ken Griffin of Citadel thinks that there is too much hype regarding A.I.  Probably true, but the media is just as much to blame as is the tech companies, who want to raise their profiles.  And someone commented that Ken may have just purchased some short positions that he wants to cash out on, so you never know.

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This is a cool illusion:
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Tucker Carlson touched on this on his recent Twitter appearance.  Others are also working to slay the censorship Leviathan.

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Carbon Health is using A.I. to speed up doctor's medical record throughput.  But the doctor's won't get to enjoy the extra time they save.  Nope, it will allow them to see more patients!  And people's medical information will go through Amazon Web Services medical transcription facility which uses GPT-4.  Hope the privacy has been worked out.  My opinion FWIW: The technology we really need is not here yet. 

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American men are becoming hikikomoris.  This is definitely not good.  Could it be the decline in testosterone?  Will we eventually have a nation of effeminate men, obese with gynecomastia?  Gah...  (Could this explain Target's new clothing line?)
Where are the manly men of yore?
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