8 April 2024

Today is Eclipse day, but it's overcast in much of the Pacific Northwest. Oh well.
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Another one bites the dust. Buffalo Wild Wings closes downtown store. Too much crime. Not enough foot traffic. Great move, Portland – shut down the parking garage instead of cleaning up the crime.  And you want Portland to recover?

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I knew it. Paxlovid doesn't work. I suspect people fell for the placebo effect.

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Most people won't be able to retire in their 60s. I think most people won't be able to retire at all. It'll be welfare for just about everyone eventually.

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The era of seamless deepfakes is approaching. If not already here. It's one more thing teens are having to deal with. As if there wasn't enough already.

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The Polar Vortex has reversed. Here's what it means.

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Avram Piltch is unhappy that the main image generative AI models depict Jews like caricatures, heavy on stereotypes. Hey, try typing in "Asian man". Many times, you'll get an image of a man with a conical hat.

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The EU has a talent shortage that's gotten worse since 2018. Nobody's got skills anymore. I'd bet the same is going on in the U.S.

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One more chart showing which states saw out-migration and in-migration.
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