Sweden is smart. Even as the EU has abandoned its NetZero goals, Sweden already sees the need for nuclear, and will pursue it. Even some natural gas.
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Apparently many dementia patients achieve a brief period of clarity and recognition just before death. Why that occurs is unclear.
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Lars Larson think the PSU president should be fired. Ann Cudd may have been good during fair weather periods, such as for fund raising, but during tough times, you really need something else. Probably some testosterone.
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Just a whiff of fentanyl causes brain injury (leukoencephalopathy). This is a report from OHSU. FLAIR hyperintensity usually means increased blood (such as inflammation). This patient didn't just get better after naloxone. It took at least a month before he was even close to recovered.
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This is not a good time to be in the news business. But Trump is making journalism great again. He sure helped CNN.
And why do people hate Trump? This guy came up with three reasons. I love how he includes the "Trump Disclaimer" (Hey, I'm not a Trump supporter, so don't get me wrong.) Coward. I'm not sure I agree with his three reasons. It seems that the main reason is that people are just ill-informed about issues, and haven't thought through their stances deeply enough to know how to think.
Sad. Boy Scouts of America is now just known as Scouts BSA. Just as well. The original Boy Scout agenda was for a different age. In these modern times, more than ever, we need something to help boys become men. Teach them what it takes to be a man in this new culture. Team them how to survive and instill a moral compass. Where to turn when things go sour, and how to deal with adversity in a constructive manner. There should just be something for boys. Taught by manly men.
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The Saudi's wanted to build one of those 17 minute cities, built in a straight line. I love the comment: "This is one of those projects that could only happen in a country where everyone's afraid to tell the emperor that he has no clothes." It's going to make for some interesting Ozymandias-type ruins in the future, where people visit and shake their heads at how precious resources were spent and wasted.
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Is this why Apple products haven't changed their look in ages? Apple is losing the last designer of the Jony Ive team. Too bad. I notice that the new iPad Pro is just another extension of the "let's make it thinner and add more pixels" approach.
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Interesting article of a woman who has two genomes. She was the fusion of two zygotes that merged. She is her own sister, and seems to be someone with just one personality and sense of identity, and not two. This implies that our sense of identity is not just a consequence of having a certain set of DNA. So how does a sense of identity arise? What if the other zygoes was of the opposite sex. What would the combo turn out to be?
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Develop a circle of friends and advocates. This is your F-you Network.
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Google is leaving One Market Plaza in SF. Hasn't the city gotten the message yet?
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More Americans are using the Buy Now - Pay Later debt system. This hides true debt, so things are probably worse than we think.
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