As long as there is some connection between the brain and the spinal cord, it may be possible for brain stimulation to allow paraparetic individuals to walk again with deep brain stimulation.
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Yes! I have noticed this myself. Average person knows if their day has been ruined by 8:36 a.m. Some days you just know that you aren't going to have a good day.
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The healthy dietary pattern was characterized by a higher intake of fruits, whole grains, legumes, vegetables, milk, and other dairy products, whereas the unhealthy dietary pattern was characterized by a higher intake of red and processed meat, alcohol, and both refined and sugar-sweetened beverages.
Looks like there is an association between genetic caffeine metabolism, habitual caffeine intake and cognitive function in the domains of social cognition and executive function. Doesn't matter if you're a slow or rapid metabolizer of caffeine. You'll either have enhanced social or enhanced executive cognition.
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His resignation and message should set off alarms with OHSU leaders. Instead, in the public announcement of his resignation, OHSU appeared to treat the change as a ho-hum shift that reflects the obliviousness that Druker is calling out.
...the institution has been slow to recognize the symbolic significance to the greater community of Druker’s resignation.
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Diamonds can now be created from scratch in the lab in just 15 minutes. Probably not jewelry quality and size, but still. There are a lot of more interesting gems that I'd place more value on.
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We're number one! Oregon in the news again, top spot for another bad reason. We have the most homelessness families per capita. And the reason is that we encourage it. We throw money at it. So naturally, they come. Criddlers get to live life how they want, have free use of the city, and Portland pays for their needs. Tents, tarps, boofing kits. Abandoned buildings to explore and take over. More NGOs and agencies being spawned to take advantage of the money flow.
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