9 February 2025

Happy Anniversary! Today is the second anniversary of this blog.  Came across this posting today: Why blog if nobody reads it?  I don't know who really reads this blog, but it's for me. I put things that I think a graying tech-savvy geek would have some interest it. There's nothing out there for my demographic.  Not interesting in gaming. More interested in factors influencing the liveability of the PNW, including politics, of which I am definitely more conservative now than before. I try to be nice, but boy, it's hard sometimes...

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Home hospitals are now trending.  Understandable, but I imagine that it's still pretty costly, and out of the reach of many. It seems to be something that is done more in foreign countries, such as the UK and Australia, but it is being done in the Northeast.

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Quipu – the largest known structure in the universe. It has a name.

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AsciiDoc is a new superset of Markdown. It does have some advantages over Markdown. I need to find an editor that can handle it, though. Finding a good Markdown editor was hard enough. Why not just use HTML? Why create something new?

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Can't believe this guy, Mark Gamba. He says:
...voters too often act like “petulant children” standing in the way of taxes that are necessary to replace vital infrastructure like roads, sewage plants and libraries. “Someone needs to be the responsible adult in the room”
Oregon collects way too much taxes as it is. It gets spent on the homeless industrial complex with numerous NGO agencies, but also on DEI, illegal aliens and supporting unions. And wasting it on a lousy education system. If you eliminate that, we have plenty of money for roads, sewage plants, etc.

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JD Vance's Apple Watch is a security risk.  Just wear a Breitling, JD>

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Terrence Tao on how we measure the cosmos. It's actually quite interesting and the visuals are worth a watch.

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Be careful with those Magic Eraser sponges. They spew microplastics!

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Asteroid 2024 YR4 may impact in 2032. Chances of impact just doubled to 2.2%.  It's got a Torino score rating of 3, which means that it could cause Tunguska-like damage.
From https://www.highpointscientific.com/astronomy-hub/post/astronomy-101/what-is-the-torino-scale
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