2 April 2023

Just learned that Ryuichi Sakamoto died on 28 March 2023, of metastatic rectal cancer.  A great loss.  In memoriam, I post this piece, Bibo no Aozora (beautiful blue sky).  Full of sehnsucht and saudade.  Enjoy.

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It's come to this.  Scientific journals are taking political sides now, as Nature declares support for Biden.  What next?  The rainbow, transgender and Ukraine flags on your twitter feed?  Partisan science is indeed bad for society.

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Could these two people represent the King and Queen of the underworld?
Prepare to take a deep dive into Grant Wood.

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Poor healthcare workers.  Just when you thought you could ditch the masks on 3 April 2023 as Oregon lifts the mandate on healthcare workers.  Nope.  Hospitals will require you to still wear them.  They don't specify KN-95 masks.  Not even the ASTM Level-3 masks.  They just want something over your face, whether it really blocks the virus or not.  You can still touch your mask with your hands, and touch everything else in the hospital.  And throw used masks in the regular wastebasket.  Follow the science, they say.

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Chinese universities are offering students and faculty a week to take time to fall in love.  They'll even offer make-out make-up sessions so you don't fall behind.

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A rubicon has been crossed.  Where in the world is there fairness in rule of law?  The United States took a dive in 2021 and 2022 world rankings, not surprisingly.  Democrats openly prosecute political opponents now.  And the mainstream media think it's a good thing.
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And the drugs and crime, too.  High taxes could be driving people out of Portland

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What a knee-slapper: "…and to help keep the communities in the states clean".  Walmart in Washington and Oregon will no longer offer bags in the stores.  Gotta bring your own.  Or, like many shoppers in Portland now, stuff the goods in your pants or purse, and run!

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King County, Washington is still seeing population growth, despite the exodus of tax-paying citizens.  Taking its place is what they call "international immigration". 

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1 April 2023

It's April 1, but every day is fakery now

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Twitter didn't really publish their source code (as I was told).  It just published the schema for their recommender algorithm.  Nothing surprising.  Twitter was more than a microblogging platform — it was an entertainment system, designed to lure you back over and over again, like an addicting drug.  Like other social media.  Twitter seems to be in its sunset phase.  People still use it, but it doesn't sound like a company that aspiring techies want to work for anymore.  It's not quite the free speech platform that it looked like it was going to be.  People still have tweets censored and accounts get suspended, just not quite as much as before.  An insiders says that no one is maintaining their API anymore.  Is this what Elon wanted?  Is there another entity that he's working on? 
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The Economist asks where the fired techies are going.  The short answer is – no particular place.  Some are pursuing startups, but they're not going to one particular company.  There is no one particular giant today, as there was in the days of Microsoft, Google and Apple.  Some are working at "unsexy" industrial companies.  But the rise of remote work has created "digital nomads" who work wherever they choose.  And one consequence of this has been an increase in rents in some desirable places.  The start of gentrification.

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Vicuna, a LLaMA-based chat-AI, is open for trying out, if you're game.  They claim to be better than ChatGPT. A LLaMA-based approach may be downwardly-scalable to where it can be cheaper and able to run on your laptop, perhaps in the browser.

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Scott Aaronson has comments regarding the open-letter regarding a proposal to pause AI for six months.  Why six months, he asks?  What's the reason for the pause?  What will be done during the pause? I always enjoy reading the thoughts of smart people, and the comments section is also informative.  And here's Eliezer Yudkowsky, calling for a total ban on AI research.  This guy had been working to advance AI for about 20 years, and just when it's really taking off, he wants everyone to stop work.  I don't think that his advice will be heeded.

The main concern I have regarding AI is the mischief that will come from unbridled access to the technology, and whether society is prepared to deal with what it might bring.  There are elements in government, for example, that get hyperscared from COVID-19 that they want to keep emergency status ongoing.  Or want to ban guns from law-abiding citizens and add more laws to the books, when the existing ones aren't being enforced and criminals wouldn't deterred by them.  But back to AI, what will the response be when something unprecedented happens?  Some are already envisioning how AI will kill us.  But unforeseen disasters often result in clamor for more government control and draconian laws to repress personal liberty.  AI may or may not kill us.  But the people behind evil AI will.  Just like with guns.  But you won't be able to take away AI now. 

And here's Bloomberg, with their new BloombergGPT.  Getting on the AI bandwagon!

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You wouldn't believe what it was that bankrupted Mark Twain.  The tech may be great, but if the execution is crappy...

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But why worry about AI when we have more dire things to worry about.  FT has some sobering data on how far the U.S. has dropped in terms of life expectancy, especially compared with the U.K.

COVID-19 was a factor, yes, but what's killing us are deaths from drug overdoses, violence and suicide.  More informative data at the link.
It's odd to see this bad news contrast with an article that suggest that based on mathematical models (assuming that human population growth follows Gompertzian kinetics), that we have not achieved maximum lifespan at all, and have the potential to live much longer. That is, if we don't get shot by someone, or overdose on opioids, commit suicide or get involved in a fatal accident.

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Scientists have created E coli bacteria that is resistant to "all viruses".  And they have put into place firewalls to make sure this organism doesn't escape the lab.  I hope they've achieved this - life often manages to find a way.

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Two insights in the psychology of loneliness and depression.  Scientists at UF Scripps found that a variant glycine receptor, GPR158, which sent an inhibitory signal upon glycine binding instead of a stimulatory one, was associated with stress-induced depression.  Mice lacking this variant receptor exhibited resilience to chronic stress.  And German and Israeli scientists found that chronic loneliness is a self-reinforcing problem, as reward centers for social interaction gradually atrophy.  You can't just introduce friends to lonely people.  So when prisoners are put in solitary confinement, are we making them more sociopathic?

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Biden thinks that the shooting deaths of six people at a Nashville Christian school is a joking matter.  America has never been lower than during this administration.  I hope the state of the nation will survive his leadership. 

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Gee, ya think? San Francisco could be on the verge of collapse.  But they have all that diversity.  How could it be?

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31 March 2023

300 Portland city employees won't have to return to the office.  Can't blame them.  I wouldn't want to either.

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Man turns table on squatters.  This was in northern California, but maybe the strategy could be used in Oregon, too.

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This ranks as one of the most under-reported headlines:  China and Brazil reach a deal to trade in their own currencies, instead of the U.S. dollar.  Bye, bye reserve currency.  Maybe the decline of the dollar will be the only thing to dampen Democrat spending.

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Being Asian is a huge detriment into getting accepted to higher education now, especially in Ivy League and University of California schools.
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Now they're panicking.  Seattle is facing a taxpayer outflow, and the houseless vagrant population is increasing.  What to do?  Why, triple the housing levy, of course.  To $970 million.  This will undoubtedly lead to more outflow, and with more services being provided, more vagrants.  Rinse, repeat.   Like Multnomah county lost more residents than any other Oregon county, and actually was 7th in the nationOregon overall lost people to other states, as well, although central Oregon grew.

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Congress passed a resolution to end the COVID-19 emergency status, and even Biden is ready to sign it.  Guess who is opposed to this?  Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkeley, as well as Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell.  Eternal emergency!  Eternal autocratic control!

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30 March 2023

Nice review and discussion about the proposed RESTRICT Act.  It should be called the Domestic Surveillance Expansion Act.

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ChatGPT has passed the Turing Test.  A milestone, yes, but still, it doesn't seem that the software is truly conscious.  What should the next test be?

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Healthcare is a right?  Legacy's Birth Center has closed, although the OHA has denied it's request to do so.  But what do you do if there isn't enough staffing to make it feasible?

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Plants emit sounds when stressed.  Like being dehydrated, or having pieces cut off.  Complicates things, doesn't it, vegans?

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29 March 2023

Woops.  Planning on charging your EV at night, so that it'll be ready to go in the morning?  Stanford recommends you don't do that.  Too hard on the grid, you know, if everyone does that.

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A few Asians discuss anti-Asian discrimination in the educational field.  All too real.

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Musk, Wozniak and others call for a 6 month pause on AI more advanced than GPT-4, until people figure out what the implications are.  Too late, man.  Can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.  They didn't listen to Elon Musk and Hawking in 2015.

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I can see that:  American's IQ scores are dropping.  Lots of reasons for this. 

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Sad:  Oregon is seeing a record number of assisted suicide deaths.  Why is that? 
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The virtuoso you may not have heard of:  Michi Hirata North is giving a double concerto concert at age 91 years.  Up in Seattle.  Mozart and Tchaikowsky.  Impressive!

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Portland makes it on FOX News, and it's not for something good. (Video from https://twitter.com/wtfportland1).
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28 March 2023

John Cook lays out some good reasons why you can't ever be sure about the promise "We will not sell your personal information."

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Some Seattle hospitals will still require masking, despite the state dropping the requirement.  The reason:  "immunocompromised and high-risk patients still need protective measures."  Well, if that's true, why is that hospitals in New York and California are dropping masking requirements?  I can't find reports of masking requirements being reinstated.  Why don't officials look at what's working in other states, and realize that it's OK to relax requirements?  As Voltaire said, "It's difficule to free fools from the chains they embrace."

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Samsung cameras add teeth to baby photos, and fake pictures of the moon.  Do you really want a camera like that? 

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Washington's vagrant population is increasing, sadly.  Seattle's and King County's grew by 32%. 

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I'd bet that real estate magnate Barry Menashe never dreamed that he'd someday own an open-air fentanyl market.  Strange times.

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Following New York City's lead, Oregon lawmakers have proposed a bill to lower penalties for major crimes.  A proponent thinks that lower punishment will be an incentive against recidivism.  Tell that to this guy.

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One keeps reading about battery breakthroughs, but then, nothing more.  Like an aluminum-sulfur battery.  Or the vanadium redox flow battery that the DoE allowed to go to China to develop.  Or solid state lithium batteries.  Now researchers at OSU have developed a zinc battery based on a different electrolyte solution that approaches "nearly 100%" efficiency.  The world is waiting for battery breakthroughs to reach the market.

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First, there was this Reddit posting about a guy who felt that AI had robbed him of his delight in coding for games.  Now his job feels "dystopian".  Now this posting about how "ChatGPT robs students of motivation to write and think for themselves".  I knew that AI would present a challenge to humans, but I never suspected that humans would capitulate to AI so easily.  Maybe the low-hanging branches will not be so low now, but is that a reason to despair? 

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Well now I'm glad the Northwest Ronin isn't on Substack.  I wouldn't want to have to migrate to some other platform after all this, and start from scratch.  I hope Substack survives, as there are some favorite 'stacks that I would hate to lose, like Portland Dissent and Oregon Roundup

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Student loan payments will likely resume by August 29.  This will put some extra financial stress on people.  Unless SCOTUS thinks it's legit for Biden to single-handedly indebt the economy by $400 billion.  Even money to Ukraine had to have the assent of Congress.

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The Fed has apparently lost money for the first time.  Wait, I don't get it - can't they just print more?  You mean, they can't just do that?  Why not?  Oh...

While the Federal Reserve Act requires the Fed to avoid taking credit related losses that could have an impact on taxpayers, it makes no mention of losses from interest-rate risk exposures. The act’s authors never imagined such losses. Monetary policy was all but assured to generate Fed profits prior to 2008. That changed once the Fed started paying banks interest on their reserve balances and making large open market purchases of long-maturity Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities.

Fed losses from its interest-rate-risk exposures—unrecognized taxpayer losses—are now being realized in ways Congress never intended and at magnitudes neither the Congress nor the Fed ever expected.

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27 March 2023

Cargo theft is getting much worse.  Another factor ultimately making inflation worse.
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Apple just launched Apple Music Classical.  Might be worth a go.  Some helpful commentary here.

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Nice list of due diligence questions to ask when evaluating a company. 

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A Florida family physician was stripped of his board certification, accused of spreading "misinformation" about COVID-19.  The "misinformation" he touts has some data behind it, and is slowly gaining traction as more data become available.  He might have a case for a lawsuit.

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Twitter's source code (at least part of it) has been posted on Github.  Naturally Elon Musk is upset.  This warrants more than a snarky emoji.

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The WSJ notices that housing prices are dropping in major cities in the West, and increasing in cities in the Midwest and East.  I guess people like to live in places where crime is under control.  Who knew?
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A website (play.ht) will generate a voice snippet that is based on about 20 seconds of a voice sample.  Someone has already recorded this snippet.  This is very dangerous, and has much potential for mischief.  The tech to duplicate this is not that difficult to duplicate, and I can see this being abused.
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And employees of some companies are feeding confidential and sensitive proprietary information into ChatGPT,  AI is turning into a nightmare of sorts.  Geeks have handed society some dangerous toys.

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26 March 2023

This article was on CNBC recently.  What caught my eye was the word "damage" to the CD8+ T-cell response.  So I clicked on the report that was referenced, which was an NIH article.  (Of course, the NIH would highlight any article that would make getting vaccinated superior to not getting vaccinated.  The original report from Cell, is not a clinical paper, but looks at lymphocyte subset responses based on selected antigens they selected as stimuli.  Looking at the actual data, there doesn't seem, to my eye, that there is that much difference between those that got vaccinated after infection vs those that didn't.  The authors admit in the Limitations section of their paper that the paper only looked at a subset of potential immune responses, and that there could be differences in tissue localization of immune cells, a difference in the kinetics of response, and that the spike antigenicity might be different in the two populations.  Using the word "damage" seems inappropriate, as there is really no evidence of injury.

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ChatGPT and LLM, which seem to be taking the industry by storm, may allow hidden security risks.  Companies should be cautious before jumping on the AI bandwagon just yet before understanding fully what is going on.

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Seriously?  California wants Medicaid to cover 6 months of rent.  Hey, why stop there?  How about six months of cable, and travel expenses?

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A letter to the editor from a compassionate liberal decries that Oregonians don't want homeless shelters in their neighborhood, and that we should be accepting of them, and welcome them with open arms.  Meanwhile county leaders find that they can't or don't want to put more houseless into houses, either because it means converting motels to shelters, or they don't have money or personnel to do anything else.   Meanwhile, city leaders fail to address the real problem - drug addiction, especially fentanyl.  (Kate Brown was so eager to declare Oregon a sanctuary state for illegals.)  Now, they run the show, and Portland burns. (photo credit).
Meanwhile, up in Seattle, unfavorable rental regulations are causing landlords to flee, leaving Seattle with a shortage of rental property.
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So people are giving ChatGPT ears and eyes and real-world interface plug-ins.  Wait till they put this in one of those Boston Dynamic dogs.

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Seen in Seattle.  Modern problems call for modern solutions.

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This post has appeared in several conservative posts, and was said to be debunked.  But the rebuttals sound kinda weak, like they just got the dollar figures wrong.  And the incentives were just meant to promote quality of care, which is a good thing right?  Or this statement: "Such incentives are common, said Thomas Buchmueller, a professor of risk management and insurance at the University of Michigan."  This is why trust in the medical profession has deteriorated.
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What don't we just sell law school and medical school diplomas to whomever has the money?  No need for standards anymore, right?  This is the new DIVERSITY world.  Where quality and competence go out the window so as to get the right kind of representation.  This isn't the diversity I expected to see.

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25 March 2023

Well that's not very scientific is t?  UCSF orders their doctors to ignore COVID vaccine injuries.

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This is the other major cause of inflation:  ‘People Will Die:’ The Supply Chain Crisis Is About to Get Worse.  There is both cost-push and demand-pull inflation working here. 

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Thomas Massie had a point.  How can one man (even with a small committee behind him) single-handedly make decisions that will affect trillions of dollars?  Should the people (through Congress) have a say in bailing out banks?  It's like Biden alone making decisions about student loans.  C'mon now.
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Even free isn't working:  Oregon community colleges plan budget cuts due to falling enrollment, loss of pandemic funding.  Something tells me that it wasn't the cost of community colleges that was the problem.  What could it be?

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Sad.  Lebanon-based Entek is building a large battery manufacturing plant not in Oregon, but in Indiana.  Better business conditions, they say.  Man, what is it in Oregon.  We can't even keep cannabis afloat.
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The uglification of Portland continues.  More ugly shed-homes.  Instead of shooting up in tents along the street, they'll be shooting up in these.
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Who wants to go downtown anymore.  Your kid might get punched in the face by a random bum who just wants to go back to jail.  Or if you're shopping at what used to be the upscale Washington Square, you might encounter a violent shoplifter.  Life in a blue state.

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Not being satisfied with taking away your gas stove, Biden wants to take away your air conditioner now.
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iPhones and iPads have AI chips in them already - neural engines capable of rapid machine learning processing.  Who knew?

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On Reddit (and elsewhere), I keep seeing sentiment like this:
Don't people realize that minimum wage goes to people who have no real skills?  It's basic pay, to do menial jobs that need doing, while more qualified people can do more skilled endeavors.  It was meant to get people started, working in a business where you could see what goes on, and get some training and develop skills.  It's for high schoolers or college kids.  It wasn't intended to be someone's living wage as an adult.  SMH.

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24 March 2023

It's only been 20 years since Thomas Friedman's globalism celebrating books, and now it's clear that Trump was right.  We should have tried to keep critical manufacturing at home.  Now the number of new drug shortages has increased 30% because they are made overseas (China and India), and for various reasons, can't get to the shelves. 

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Washington hospitals are really hurting.  Portland's hospitals are hurting, too.  OHSU was apparently able to get some cash from the state, but other hospitals were not that fortunate.  The problems are that they can't employ enough nurses, and so have to resort to expensive temporary staffing, which is really draining their budget.  Much of the population doesn't want to get the Fauci jab anymore, and Oregon and Washington are one of six holdout states that refuse to join reality.  Another factor is that the payor mix has changed and a lot more people are on Medicaid type plans, which don't pay as well.
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I think Apple is making a mistake taking down the fencing surrounding its downtown store.  Downtown's problems are worse than before, not better.  We're just a news item away from more rioting.  But hey, it's not my company.

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Well that's not good:  US Banking “Turmoil” Can’t Be Contained – Moody’s Alerts.  So what now?

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Yay:  The Fifth Circuit blocked the Biden administrations attempt to overturn the ruling that they can't mandate the jab (not really a vaccine) on federal workers.

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