22 March 2023

Very interesting video of a woman who pays no income tax because she never got a SSN when she was born, so she is not in the system.  She was able to get a passport and that's all she needs to get a bank account and a driver's license, because the system has been relaxed due to the Democrats making it easy for illegal immigrants to enter into American society.  No necesito SSN.

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THAT'S WHY THEY'RE THE BLUE STATES:  Seattle is the most anxious major metro city.  I'm surprised Portland didn't make it.
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I agree.  It would be better to stay with PST than PDT.

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21 March 2023

Boy, being an emergency room doctor used to be a cool job.  Pay was pretty good, and you worked intensely and got the adrenaline rush, but there was no longitudinal care to worry about.  Your work obligations didn't spill over into your off-duty time, and the hours were usually not too demanding, and you had decent free time in between shifts.  Now, thanks to COVID-19, no one wants to be an emergency room doc anymore.  The patients are demanding, irritable for having waited so long, and more often violent.  The pay is less and you see nurse practioners doing your job, which can't be too good for the ego. 

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Insurers junk EVs with only minor damage because even light batteries damage is risky.  And it's too expensive to replace the battery.  Well, there goes the green energy savings.
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The HustleGPT experiment has so far turned $100 into $7812, but so far it hasn't made any money.  It's all investor money so far, but who knows.  Someone will probably buy the company.  Profit!

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Oregon politicians are worried that the homeless camps will contaminate precious waterways.  In a classic Democrat maneuver, they pass a bill to make it illegal.  Problem solved!

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FOX News ridicules Oregon's spending of over $200 million to address the growing homelessness problem.
"Putting an addict behind four walls in an apartment and isolating them is not solving anything. Instead of OD'ing on the street, they're OD'ing on a hardwood floor."
Yep, I coulda told you that.

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Homeless tent resident threatens to burn down nearby house.  She calls police, they come, but don't arrest the man.  Here's the problem:
Elliott wondered where the new tent came from and found out an organization called People’s Housing Project was handing them out and setting them up, in this case, in her neighborhood.
And the state is providing more funding to organizations like this.

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20 March 2023

Oh-oh.  Thailand may be experiencing a miniature Chernobyl-type situation.  A cesium-137 cylinder has been smelted resulting in the emission of radioactive red dust.  Officials think that it's contained, but reading the article, it doesn't seem that they are certain.

The “red dust” was sent to a metal factory in Rayong province. Office of Atoms for Peace officials travelled to the factory in Rayong and found 24 tonnes of “red dust” contaminated with caesium-137.

That's a lot of dust.

Several Thai media outlets reported earlier that the cylinder was found crushed into a block with other metals in preparation to be smelted but “tragedy was avoided” as it hadn’t yet been put into the furnace. It turns out this was not true and the cylinder had been smelted.

National Power Plant 5A Co., Ltd., and the Office of Atoms for Peace set up a team of 50 people to search for the missing radioactive isotope but couldn’t find it anywhere on the plant grounds. They believe it has been taken away.


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If you've been paying attention, people are realizing suddenly that AI will upend the world.  When those closely involved with AI say things like:

"But what we're looking at now is intelligence itself... This is the first time we're able to create intelligence itself and increase its amount in the universe,"

They aren't kidding.  Google will soon release an AI model that can answer health questions with a passable degree of accuracy.  Whereas IBM's Watson failed spectacularly, such that even MD Anderson Cancer Center couldn't make it work, the power of GPT-4 has been used to create MedPaLM-2, which has been able to pass medical board exams at a level which equates it to an expert physician.

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How did I not know this before?  Sets of letters that I used to call alphabets, are not really that.  True alphabets are where symbols representing vowels and consonants are treated equally.  But some character sets, like the Japanese hiragana and katakana are representation of syllables, and are called syllabaries.  When character sets are consonant-vowel pairs, like Javanese or Ethiopian, they are called abugidas.  And if they are just consonant sounds, and you are expected to fill in vowel sounds that aren't provided (like Hebrew and Arabic), those are called abjads.   Here's a very pretty and unusual abugida, the Ditema, used by the Xhosa and Zulu.

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Here's an interesting set of statistics from PDX Real, that our city leaders should be aware of:

Coupled with the fact that pedestrian traffic of "normal people" is down (because who wants to walk around downtown these days), that's a lot of avoidable tragedy.  How is it compassionate to let the homeless wander the streets like feral animals, shooting up drugs, trashing the city, setting things on fire, while we pay increasingly higher taxes to clean up the mess?

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Well, as long as I'm not expected to pay off their student loans.  Academia is adrift in a sea of low standards

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Strange: Elon Musk used to warn us about the danger of AI, and now I read that he put money into its development?  And he's surprised that it's closed-source and making money? Hmmmm....

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I guess many wealthy people decided not to pay the Metro tax.  Wealthy people generally tend to know when something is a good investment.  I don't think they "forgot".  I think they're sending a message.  And of course, here's Salem, trying to figure out how to keep Oregonian's kicker refund.  Because they have a whole slew of give-aways that need funding.  They don't even have enough money to fund solutions for the problems they create!

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Not grounded in reality, but we can always dream, right?

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Sigh, I don't know why city leaders insist on peppering the city with the urban blight of sanctioned encampments for the homeless.  Portland is getting uglier.

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What they're doing in Arkansas would be fantastic to have in Oregon.  Financial support for school choice freedom.  So parents and students can avoid crap like this.  But the teachers union will have none of it.  And they got Tina Kotek elected. 

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The secret dealings behind the COVID-19 agitprop are finally coming to light.  This guy wasn't fooled.

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Over 50% of GenZers and millennials report that they are "not adulting right".  These are the grandchildren of the hippie generation.  I can't imagine what guidance they were given as they were growing up.

Fifty-seven percent of Gen Zers and Millenials say they do not feel like they have adulting figured out. In the survey, 63% of Gen Zers and Millennials said they did not feel like they were prepared for the responsibility of being an adult, and admitted they feel burned out by adulthood.

The biggest struggle for both generations seems to revolve around cars with 63% of the younger generations having no idea how to change the oil in a car, 48% not knowing how to change a tire and 42% not knowing how to jumpstart a car.

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Congratulations to Daniel Stenberg, on the 25th anniversary of cURL.  He's one of the unsung heroes of the Internet that most people have never heard of.

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Guess what country has a lower fertility rate than Japan?

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19 March 2023

Chat AI models are developing a sense of the world.  It is truly interesting to see how much improvement in object understanding has developed from GPT-3.5 to GPT-4.

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I was wondering when someone would do this.  Ask GPT-4 how to become rich.  And it recommends setting up a business.  Bravo!  That shows real-life understanding.

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High-school graduates are increasingly turning away from college, and going to apprenticeships.  This might allow them an easier track to starting a business - and getting rich!

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Speaking of which, this is marvelous technology - and coming out of Africa!  This guy made use of his college education, for sure, unlike many American graduates.  Bravo!

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This ronin used Emacs in college, a very long time ago.  This was because there were few available text editors for the mainframes that were used.  I think this is the only way something with as high a learning curve could gain traction.  Many geeks who grew up on this still use Emacs, and if you are proficient, and customize to how you like, it feels very powerful.  But there are now editors with lower learning curves, and I would only take the time to master it if I were coding for a living.  This is another "Learn Emacs in a year" posting.  Interesting that the author, who was born and raised in Asia, takes the "learn from the master" approach.  I notice that some in the comments section of western geek boards are "meh". 

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Remember the Edith Macefield House?  It was Seattle's version of the UP house.  It seems that nothing has happened since 2018.  This is what it looks like today:

It's a squatter's encampment fire waiting to happen.
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Crime strikes the Multnomah County Health Department.  Client health records may have been stolen. 
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18 March 2023

Modern-day Portland problems: dealing with secondhand hard-drug smoke in public.  You'll not be able to avoid it anymore.

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Folks on SE Powell are bracing for the new massive tent city about to spring up.  My heart goes out to business in that area.

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A dollar doesn't get you that far in blue cities.  People have noticed that for a while.

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Civility continues to erode.  Is this a residual of the lockdown months?  A reaction to the perceived insanity of the world?  Greater accessibility to mind-altering and self-control-impairing substances?  Locally, I've seen it in the way drivers behave on the road.  More speeding, irresponsible maneuvers and road rage.  Civilization is fragile.  It seems we experience less gratitude.  Perhaps it's the decline of religion and spirituality.
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Little by little, people are waking up to the dangers of the mRNA "vaccine" products.  Good on the German health minister to admit he was wrong, and enact changes.

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"Far right"?  More like "proven right again".

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Because of the TikTok video revealing how to easily steal Kias and Hyundais with a USB drive, State Farm and Progressive Insurance will no longer insure them

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What's going on with vaccines?  Burundi is experiencing a polio outbreak because the vaccines are actually causing the disease they were meant to immunize against.  The nOPV vaccine is supposed to use an inactivated virus but in practice, it was active.

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Some fear that AI is going to lead to a whole slew of fake medical publications that may change medical practice, but turn out to be phony. There are some people who will resort to this to get publications, and now that it's much easier to do, journal editors are going to have a difficult time. Although at least one journal is encouraging the use of AI in manuscript submissions.

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17 March 2023

Sanity!  $1000/month giveaway idea seems doomed.

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Geeks are starting to freak out about AI.  Not only it's potential, but what it will mean to their jobs.

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Gotta wait a year for those Oregon EV rebates.  As with many other things in the state, the program is running out of money.

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Oregon legislature approves $200 million to solve the homeless problem.  I think the only ones we'll see who will benefit from this will be the many agencies who are poised to take that money.  Politicians forget that housing is a money sink.  After you build it, it needs to be maintained and administered.  And there's not enough money for that.

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More on Legacy Mt. Hood closing their birthing center.  They cite two main reasons for this: 1) the declining birthrate in the region, making it more difficult to justify the need, and 2) the vaccine mandate, which keeps many away from the healthcare profession.
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OPB discuss the great need for addressing Oregon's great mental illness crisis.  Of course, there is not enough money for this, but Oregon still decriminalizes mind-altering drugs of high abuse potential that contribute to mental illness.  That in itself is crazy, no?

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16 March 2023

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There's panic in tech companies and in universities amongst those who were working on natural language processing. The success of GPT-4 is generating despair in those studying something else.

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Makes sense.  As the city empties, criminals will seek targets in residential neighborhoods.

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The OHA doesn't approve of Legacy Mt Hood Medical Center closing their birthing center, even though it just has to happen because there is no staffing.  Hospitals are finding it hard to recruit nurses because Portland has a reputation for crime and homelessness, and no one wants to get the vax anymore.  So it's personnel shortages for the foreseeable future.

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Clever.  Africans are using Bitcoin without internet access.

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ODOT is officially doing away with the permit system to see the waterfalls on the Old Columbia River Highway.  Finally.

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15 March 2023

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Top causes of death for Americans 15 to 49 years:
What 30 years of open borders and liberal policies have done to the United States.  The country we grew up in no longer exists.

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James O'Keefe has formed a new venture - the O'Keefe Media Group.

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Will your doctor ask a ChatBot to complete his or her chart notes?  There's a company that hopes at least some will give it a try. 

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The Biden administration had to take pains to explain that no taxpayer dollars would be spent to guarantee SVB’s deposits and that the money would instead come from the FDIC’s insurance fund. While true in a technical sense, that fund is replenished by fees from banks all over the country, which in turn come from the fees that Americans pay to their banks all the time. In an indirect way, we all just bailed out Silicon Valley this weekend.
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If you'd ask me the substance that Rutgers scientists identifed that sparked life on Earth, I would never have come with "nickelback".

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Providence lost a lot money in 2022 - $1.7 billion.  Ouch.

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Gotta inform my favorite dry cleaning lady about this hazard.  Hope she's careful.

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According to the WSJ, people are already nostalgic for times just a few years ago when things were more affordable.  I noticed that they don't mention Trump.  No, they pine for the time period when Biden had just taken over, before he started doing any damage.  What media bias?

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PORTLAND IN THE NEWS:  HotAir describes life in today's Portland.  If you live in a house or apartment, better make sure that living units all around you are not abandoned by their owners.  Or your life will be hell.

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The media generally ignores small stories like this, but hopefully it will yield insights into how it all started.  The government wants to take over and probably bury it.
A key COVID-19 vaccine case is moving to the discovery phase after a U.S. judge rejected a bid by Moderna to dismiss some of the patent infringement claims against it.

Moderna and the government had argued that under 28 U.S.C. 1498, the claims should be dismissed and moved to the Court of Federal Claims. That would mean the government was inserted as the defendant, replacing Moderna, and leave the government responsible for paying any damages awarded.

Arbutus and Genevant sued Moderna in March 2022, asserting the company used technology Arbutus had already patented.  
That included a lipid nanoparticle system used by the COVID-19 vaccine to deliver spike protein into the body.

Moderna was aware of the patents and even tried to license them for other products, according to the lawsuit. Moderna didn’t try to license the technology for its COVID-19 vaccine, instead attempting to invalidate the patents and, when those efforts failed, using the patented technology anyway.
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The Japanese are also discovering the high death rate after vaccination was introduced, and that the government is strangely incurious about investigating it.

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They don't try to hide it anymore.  SVB and Signature Bank were Democrat supporters

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"Maybe just focus on running a bank?"  SVB donated $73.45 million to BLM, and Signature Bank gave a total of $850,000 to the organization.

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14 March 2023

Happy Pi Day!

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Fauci says that even a lab leak is, to him, an example of natural occurrence. I kid you not.

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Oregon's tax rates combined with the new Biden tax rates, put Oregon at number 2 in the nation for marginal tax rates.

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Here's a real shocker, and I'm surprised that this hasn't gotten more media attention.  Someone analyzed the mRNA bivalent vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, and found heavy contamination of plasmid DNA.  This is major, because we were told that the vaccine would not incorporate into DNA and change one's genetics.  Well plasmids are able to do just that.  It looks like the purification process was not done right.  Insertion of plasmid DNA into the genome could result in mutations, and could be inflammatory.  Plasmids can also linger for months to years.  This is just the beginning, and more research needs to be done to find out what this actually means.  But it could explain why some people get really sick and others don't.

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Who's running America?  Good question.

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Activists - you gotta love 'em, right?  While some in the city council of Portland tries to decrease the spread of illegal urban encampments, activists are now littering the city with tents to encourage tweaker occupuation.  Real nice.

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Democrats helping Democrats.  This is likely why the Fed changed the rules and bailed out California banks.

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San Francisco is in for a hot mess.  $5 million a piece in reparations?  Srsly?  Yeah, diversity, right?  As they say, never take down a fence without learning why it was built in the first place.  Crazy.

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13 March 2023

The financial world is roiling today.  Lots of opinions as to what's happening and what may happen.  Here's a quick and easy to understand summary of how it started.  Interesting that some say this is not a bailout, because it really is.  Both uninsured as well as insured accounts will be made whole.  New rules, huh?  Since Silicon Valley is heavily Democrat and they essentially prop up California, it's not surprising that rules are being bent for them.  Biden tries to reassure the nation that everything's OK, and we know everything he says is true, right?  Probably the one thing we know for sure is that the Fed will not hike rates nearly as aggressively as they forecast a few months ago.  And high inflation will likely be with us for a long time.  At least until we go into a deflationary spiral leading to a depression.  Oil prices are already declining, and might decline further since the Alaskan Willow project was approved.   People are fleeing to Treasuries - it's still not too late to get good 1 month rates, even thought it's off the high.

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Maybe Oregonians will get the right to pump their own gas.

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Incivility and vulgar profanity is the tactic of activism today.

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Gretchen Witmer admits now that her coronavirus policies were too draconian.  Yet they have already canceled their mask mandates and there are no vaccine mandates in place.  Even healthcare providers don't need to be vaccinatedNeither do state employees.  But they're still in place in Oregon.  Why doesn't Oregon's governor look around and see that these measures are no longer needed, and stop them? 

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