Daniel of Mushroaming.com is offering online class on identifying edible mushrooms that grow in the Pacific Northwest. If you'd like to know more about mushroom hunting and identification, sign up for his online classes.
-- 凄い --It seems that the Chinese are on a roll, sending more airbone crap into American airspace. The Biden administration doesn't seem to mind.
--- 良くない ---Yes, I know that this has been going on for a while. The point is that it still is going on in Oregon, and is another reason why I feel that taxpayer money is ill-spent on the homeless. Once again, only foreign media will reveal to Oregonians how much we're losing in the war against drug abuse. The Bend Bulletin seems to agree - it's not that government officials don't have money. It's just misspent.
--- 良くない ---To anyone that has been paying attention, AI is picking up speed in making advances. SciFi author Ted Chiang seems unimpressed, and thinks that the Large Language Model flavor of AI is just performing searches, stitching the output together, and performing a kind of rephrasing, and then outputting the result. I don't think this describes what LLM is really doing, inasmuch as it is not clear what each neuron in a neural network hidden layer really contributes toward the end result. The ability to retrieve relevant text and package the output appropriately still defies clear elucidation. Stephen Wolfram has some thoughts on the ChatGPT model.
--- 🤔 ---And Google is now linking LLM-AI to robots to perform simple tasks. If Palm-SayCan enters the consumer space, I can see all sorts of mischief that will result. Coupled with deepfakes (both visual and audio) and we're about to enter a crazy world.