Tinnitus frequencies are not quite random. There are particular frequencies at which you hear that ringing in your ears.
Tinnitus frequencies are not quite random. There are particular frequencies at which you hear that ringing in your ears.
Poor Legacy. First they had their Moody's rating decreased to "negative". Now the OHA has forced them to re-open their Gresham birthing center, which was not penciling out. I would hate to be their CFO now.
Zhuge Liang wept bitterly when presented with Ma Su’s severed head. Since China’s famed strategist personally ordered the execution of Ma Su, one of his own subordinate commanders, this reaction puzzled some of Zhuge Liang’s advisors. “It is not for Ma Su that I weep,” he remonstrated. “I am thinking of the late Emperor, warning me not to use this man because his deeds would not match his boasts. The late king’s words have proved too true, leaving me now to rue my blindness. I weep to recall it."
What incongruous boast sealed the fate of the hapless Ma Su?
According to the Chinese historical novel, Three Kingdoms, his fatal mistake was slavish devotion to the military advice of Sun Tzu.
I literally lost my biggest and best client to ChatGPT today. This client is my main source of income, he’s a marketer who outsources the majority of his copy and content writing to me. Today he emailed saying that although he knows AI’s work isn’t nearly as good as mine, he can’t ignore the profit margin.
I keep seeing people (myself included) saying things like, “it’s not a threat if you’re a GOOD writer.”
Yes, I am better than ChatGPT. But, and I will say this again and again, businesses/clients, beyond very high end brands, DO NOT CARE. They have to put profits first. Small businesses especially, but even corporations are always cutting corners.
Please do not think you are immune to this unless you are the top 1% of writers. I just signed up for Doordash as a driver. I really wish I was kidding.
Happy Easter. An t-Aisírí is an old Irish Easter hymn. Here it is sung by Nóirín Ní Riain and the monks of Glenstal Abbey.
Why do I blog? Danny Guo lays out his reasons. For me, it is to document the salient items of what's interesting to me, and perhaps it might be of interesting to a passing visitor. It is a journal of sorts.
Update (9 April 2023): Here is the reason: it "will help health insurance providers identify emollees [sic] who may benefit from outreach and further education about vaccination.”
So it's not yet time to ditch your physician for an A.I. model. And see the first item from my 6 April 2023 posting.GPT-4 isn't always reliable, and the book is filled with examples of its blunders. They range from simple clerical errors, like misstating a BMI that the bot had correctly calculated moments earlier, to math mistakes like inaccurately "solving" a Sudoku puzzle, or forgetting to square a term in an equation. The mistakes are often subtle, and the system has a tendency to assert it is right, even when challenged. It's not a stretch to imagine how a misplaced number or miscalculated weight could lead to serious errors in prescribing, or diagnosis.
Like previous GPTs, GPT-4 can also "hallucinate" — the technical euphemism for when AI makes up answers, or disobeys requests.
The first time [Priya] received her paycheck, it was the most money she’d ever seen in one place. Uttar Pradesh is infamous for having higher school dropout rate among girls compared to other parts of the country. Its not exactly the safest place for girls either. Her father had invested in her education and kept her in school. And it had paid off. Sending your first salary back home is one of the proudest moments in a young Indian’s life, and that was the case for Priya also.I think you know where this is headed. The day I got off the GPT4 wait-list I asked it to do what Priya does on a daily basis. It got the answer wrong in the first try, but some chain-of-thought prompting and boom. GPT4 gave the correct answer in 1/10th the time it would take Priya and cost a lot less.I don’t see a long-term career in software anymore. Any dreams I had of earning decent money as a software engineer are slowly fading. Lex Fridman in his podcast said “if you’re anxious about GPT4 its probably because you’re a shitty programmer”. I mean, I’m not the smartest in the room but I have generated value with the software I’ve made. And was convinced that I’ll make decent money as long as put in the work. I’m just not that sure anymore.What is the economic impact of LLMs? Idk (openAI has published some lengthy paper about it). What I do know is that some rich bloke in the US will get a few million dollars richer and Priya will lose her job.
WOW! Tennessee legislators expel two Democrats in the House after they led a raucus protest. Fantastic. Their expulsion had nothing to do with race, and everything about them acting like unruly jerks. Good on the Republicans. If kids can't behave, they shouldn't sit at the grownup's table.
So how would you label the incumbents who have done nothing but steadily enable drug trafficking and overdose deaths, widespread homelessness, rampant crime, and lawlessness all from the comfort of their publicly funded offices?Far right, aka anyone 1/8" right of antifa......Far-left extremists are in control of Northwest politics, so maybe this will balance things out a little. Maybe.When today's far right was 20 years ago's liberal.Let me help OPB: Just so we’re all on the same page… a red hat that says “Make America Great Again” is violent extremism… but the growing trend in shirts that reads “trans rights or else” with silhouettes of guns on it is nothing you need worry about.
ChatGPT is not ready to replace a human doctor: I’m an ER doctor: Here’s what I found when I asked ChatGPT to diagnose my patients.
My fear is that countless people are already using ChatGPT to medically diagnose themselves rather than see a physician. If my patient in this case had done that, ChatGPT’s response could have killed her.This is likely why ChatGPT “passed” the case vignettes in the Medical Licensing Exam. Not because it’s “smart,” but because the classic cases in the exam have a deterministic answer that already exists in its database.My experiment illustrated how the vast majority of any medical encounter is figuring out the correct patient narrative.
The question that needs to be asked if we are going to trust AI to write our news articles and other documents: What happens when robots lie? The same issue applies to generative AI. Because someone, for sure, will code them to skew their responses a certain way.
And what if AI is caught lying?
"Our study's results indicate that after three violations and repairs, trust cannot be fully restored, thus supporting the adage 'three strikes and you're out.' … In doing so, it presents a possible limit that may exist regarding when trust can be fully restored."
"Even when a robot can do better after making a mistake and adapting after that mistake, it may not be given the opportunity to do better. Thus, the benefits of robots are lost."
Third year Stanford Law student writes that the loudest voices are a minority, but they are the ones listened to by the faculty and administration. Isn't that always the case? Instead of getting shut down, their often radical and ill-considered viewpoints are given a platform, and weak leaders, unable to muster courage to put them down, acquiesce to them.